Cyclopes From the Ether is the tale of the mystical Cyclopeans. Season 1 introduces the mysterious, powerful race of deep-space dwellers and the Earthlings desperate to make contact. Human archaeologists find an ancient prophecy and travel the stars in search of Cyclopean life.
beyond the clouds, escaping time and space, with powers divine and wisdom to share, live the Cyclopean race.
How It Works
You can access Cyclopes Season 1 by purchasing a Cyclopes From the Ether Season 1 NFT on For the price of 0.1 ETH, you get a unique Cyclopean avatar and all Cyclopes S1 content, including:
Nightmare On Planet Caridea Video Game
Lucratium Comic Book Series
The Hoard of Halimedes Tabletop Board Game
Our Promise
No play-to-earn, no restrictive membership plans, no complex pricing. Just an affordable one-time purchase that gives you access to all of our Cyclopes Season 1 content.
As the NFT market continues to grow and diversify, we’re confident that the Cyclopes From the Ether NFT [cfte] will gain in value organically over time. Of course the real prize is what [cfte] represents: access to unique and amazing content.
Think of it as a derivatives contract for digital creative. Just as futures & options derive their value from the underlying assets they represent, NFTs derive their value from the creative assets they represent. As demand for the creative rises, NFTs floor prices tend to follow.
It's art and technology in symbiosis. Our blockchain initiatives fund traditional media production, and our traditional media production brings value to the blockchain. NFTs are also a fantastic way to thank blind harpy’s early adopters and reward them for their day one support.
Be the First to Know
Cyclopes S1 is set to go-live in Q2 2023. Subscribe here for updates and we'll let you know when the official countdown begins.
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